We can't even begin to describe how much of a relief it has been to write the words 'Now In Stock' on our website after such a challenging year for our small-batch free range pig enterprise.
Like every business and family out there, the year has been stacked full of challenges. Increases in the cost of animal feed has nudged 75% at times meaning we had to slow down our husbandry just to keep up with spiralling costs. This in turn has led to a significant shortage of stock throughout the year as we just tread water to keep our heads above it.
While the finances and stock in our fridges and freezers have been grim thankfully life in our paddocks and meadows with the smaller stock we do have has been as rewarding as ever. Our pigs at Sywell Country Park enjoyed a superb - if very hot - summer on the banks of the reservoir and in the last month have been enriching their diet with plentiful natural supplies of acorns and apples.
Our breeding stock kept apart for most of the year are now all back together and, ahem, re-aquainting themselves with eachother. We are hoping for some new piglets in the village by Christmas.
And so we are now finally in a position to bring you lovely people some new stock. Our pigs have started

trotting off after living the happiest of lives meaning we will have plenty of pork for the autumn and Christmas.
Our first batch of bacon in already out of its cure and in the smoker - a sight for sore eyes after such a long break - while some cuts and products are already in stock with plenty more to come in the next few weeks.
Looking forward to seeing many of you soon......
I’m looking forward to more pork!